LETTERS: Superintendent search has been 'embarrassing'

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  • | 5:00 a.m. February 2, 2014
  • Palm Coast Observer
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School Board’s superintendent search was embarrassingly unprofessional

Dear Editor:
Am I the only one embarrassed by the lack of professionalism exhibited by the Flagler County School Board members in relation to the interview and selection process of the next school superintendent? Can it be true that, prior to the actual interview, negative comments by the board members (who are also the interview and selection committee) were made public about two of the three candidates to be interviewed and those comments were quoted in the the Palm Coast Observer?

The Board Chairman has been quoted, among other comments, as saying “If I had sole discretion, I would not include Mr. Parla for the fact that there’s no cover letter” submitted with his application.

Huh? Is this a fair and unbiased interview process? Doesn’t this sound like the interview process is already tainted and board member(s) are just going through the motions?

Maybe it’s time to think about getting new blood on the board and to have some professionalism restored to Flagler County School District.

Marlene Shapiro
Palm Coast

It’s not the school’s job to control your child’s eating

Dear Editor:
In the article, “What are we feeding our children at school?”, a mother said she was concerned that her 6-year-old son and other children are not eating healthy and that no one was supervising their meals.

She needs to realize it is not the school’s job to control what the children are eating. Hopefully, the school is teaching about nutrition in the classroom, but it is the parents’ responsibility as to what their child is actually eating.

As a registered nurse who has worked as a school nurse, I have to agree the school lunches are not the best. When we were children, we brought our lunches. We ate what was packed, or we went hungry. That was it. End of story.

We were not allowed to eat the school food, probably because it was more expensive and less healthy. I raised two daughters who, now as adults and also registered nurses, still bring a lunch to work. Also, as children, they did not have money with them to go and buy extra snacks or dessert. They ate what I packed.

A 6-year-old who has a healthy breakfast at home does not need a large meal or hot meal with dessert at school. How many calories does he need to get through a school day?

I understand many children don’t even have gym class on a daily basis anymore. Children today, and adults, too, are eating more and exercising less. These two factors are contributing to the obesity epidemic and increase in illness in America today. It is the parents’ responsibility to raise their children to be healthy with proper food choices and daily exercise.

Some light, healthy snacks can be “lunch.” Some suggestions for lunch, and I would involve your 6-year-old in making his lunch, would include low-fat cheese, crackers, grapes, apples, oranges, carrots, peanut butter and jelly ( if allowed these days), a small turkey sandwich, etc. The same healthy food you would serve at home can become a school lunch. It is a healthy habit that your child will carry into adulthood.

Avoid prepackaged things such as “lunchables,” which are very high in fat and sodium. It is really very easy, less expensive and healthier. Think of all the money you can save and put into a college fund!

Rosanne Ilardo
Palm Coast

If you don’t like it, run for School Board

Dear Editor:
I am always amazed at the amount of unsolicited advice and expertise presented to local school districts by residents of their area. Since the Jan. 23 edition of the Palm Coast Observer contained three derogatory letters to the editor regarding Flagler County Public Schools, I thought I should offer their authors a few simple suggestions in dealing with the issues that seem to have "pushed their buttons.”

Since Mr. Anderson apparently doesn't trust the judgment and experience of our current elected officials in difficult staffing decisions, I would suggest that he consider running for the School Board. Flagler County schools would be very fortunate to enlist the services of one with his enlightened point of view and passion for personnel issues.

I would remind Ms. Carter of Janet Valentine's many years of service and devotion to the staff and students of our district. Our esteemed superintendent is certainly deserving of a little compassion in this situation — not to mention some reasonable input in settling her final contract.

I appreciate Dr. Dees' concern for our children's nutrition, and the time could be right for a review of the food and snacks offered at local schools. In the meantime, in lieu of turning teachers into "food police,” any parents concerned with their elementary school children's dietary habits could take care of the problem themselves: send the kids to school with a nutritious sack lunch and don't give them money for "junk food.”

Doug Mercer
Palm Coast

Garbage is great, but what about the three R’s?

Dear Editor:
I'm getting tired of writing, and you are probably tired of reading letters about the school system. For the new year, I was going to quit, but you people just make it too darned easy; you're like a buck with a bull’s-eye painted on its side.

The new superintendent fiasco was bad enough, but your selection of “teacher of the year” is beyond belief. In this paper’s article about this person, there is not one single comment about her ability to teach the basics. Forget the three R’s — we'll teach them to be garbage collectors.

(Check out the profile story on Teacher of the Year Jill Espinosa, HERE.)

Shouldn't we be teaching them their ABC’s or how to count to 10 instead of watching 71,000 pieces of trash being consumed by maggots? We don't need a superintendent, we need a warden that has never been a union member.

We have a chance to correct this mistake: Three of the School Board seats are up for election this year.

Douglas R. Glover
Palm Coast

For past coverage of the superintendent search, CLICK HERE.

For past School Board coverage, CLICK HERE.


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